


Shiny streets in a wet metro night
Another shopping town
Movies houses and malls
Construction banners and coffee shops
Restaurants by the score
All you can eat
And much much more
Blah blah blah

Even as we scurry about the suburban surface
Our souls have frozen into waiting
For a time when this will all make sense
When corners will be neat and secure
And bundles will be laid out brightly and sweetly
Beneath an Evergreen

One true thought
One feeling uncensored
Would free us

All we’ve been taught of reigning in
We’ve learned too well
We’re waiting for enlightenment, ascension, Armageddon
The return of someone we never really knew
Waiting for science to save us
Waiting for religion to accept us
Waiting for politicians to wise up
Waiting for a piece of paper to validate us
Waiting for that first big break to empower us
Waiting to be excellent

In dreams we wander old haunts not knowing we are dead
Gazing longingly into bright and brassy blurs
Searching for a flicker from one pure beam of light which holds all we seek
Not knowing it has moved on with the expansion of Eternity
Where permissions are neither sought nor granted, bought, nor sold
Where nothing waits or remains unchanged

Where one true thought
One feeling uncensored
Would wake us, free us, set us in motion
To find home at last on the Path that never ends



Let the people in a free land learn the lessons of freedom.
Let the people in this country be truly free.

We must pray for the impossible.

Let the leaders of the people lead the people down a new road.
Let the eyes of the leaders truly see.

We must pray for the impossible.

Let them see that the old games are insane.
They have no place in this New World.
Clear the slate and start again;
Let us all see the vision of this New World.

We can't build the New World on the old foundations,
Power structures that raised and felled all the nations.
No new lands to conquer, no where to hide
Time to untie the ancient knots inside

Let the people in a free world live the life of freedom.
Let the people in this world be truly free.

We must believe in the impossible.


On Outliving Monsters

Monsters that haunted me
I ceased to fight
Fierce holds loosened
Malicious lights in raging eyes dimmed
Gutteral rumblings and restless growls
Were assuaged by great gulps of silence.

Accusers who sat in judgement
I ceased to debate
Rinsed the grime of their documents from my hands
and walked out into the Loveliness
breathing earth and drinking sky.
Those old courtrooms held no jurisdiction
Over the fate of my soul.

I did not conquer all my fears. I out-lasted them.
My adversaries shriveled and starved
In the absence of my round stares.

There were books I did not need to finish, after all
I could simply lay them aside and find better stories.
If I open the old tomes now,
Their power to enthrall and magnetize has dissolved.
Their scowls and whimpers fall through my consciousness like sand through a sifter
Until shining nuggets alone remain.

sherry fraley, 2007



If all the world’s a stage,
Let us not limit the parts we play.
Our masks will be our liberation.

You look at me and think you know me.
I see your face, so familiar, and ask no questions.
These faces hide us behind their settled arrangements
While drawers of masks lie in swirling silences
Awaiting turns to unlock our hidden treasures.
In our secret chambers before our moonlit mirrors
We try them on.

Tremble at their gruesome grimaces.
Swoon from their mad hilarities.
Melt in their enlightened loveliness.
Wander beneath their solemn gazes into the infinities.
Inquire into their ancient origins . . .

If we bring them out into the sunlight
Will the Sun hide his face?
Or will he laugh and beam and peer back on us with longing
As he swells and sinks into the last blaze of our day,
Wishing he could slow the spin of the Earth
Now that he has seen those faces the Moon scarcely knows
And of whom only the Stars can sing
As they twinkle from our eyes
And pierce easily through zombie fogs.

And what, then, will we see in each other
If we do not shield our eyes?
Always something new in the features we recognize
For we have as many faces
as the Sky.
sherry fraley, 2007


Back with a Poem

I get impatient with those bloggers who start out a new blog entry (sometimes almost every new entry) with something like, "Well it's been a long time since my last entry. Sorry, I've been having computer problems and midterms and a midlife crisis and final exams and dramas in my personal life, etc...." It's so inane, isn't it? Not to mention a waste of the reader's time. You just want to say, "Oh, get on with it already." So anyway, sorry it's been so long since my last entry, my life has been so crazy blah blah blah.

Here's a poem with which I am re-entering the blogoshere. It was inspired by a tarot card in the Voyager deck (the creation of James Wanless). It was also inspired by a voice in me that I only wish would get stronger and more powerful in it's influence my daily life. I hope it connects with the ear in you that can hear it.


by Sherry Fraley, 2007

So many possibilities and variations on themes
living things
growing things
new and tender seedlings
Once encased, now blossoming tendrils curious and hungry in all directions

Is it all in the Mind
Or is the Mind in It All

So many possibilities
Go with one that moves you
To charge the energy moving around you
And the whole lovely chaos of your realm
Will turn and move with you
Creating universes in your swirling wake

About Me

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Nashville, Tennessee, United States
A rocky path is still a path, and a path leads to love. Walk with me.
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